Shared image

I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me, and I walk alone. 1940s golden age comics style screen print, cover art by CC Beck and Will Eisner, (thick lines:0.7), early CMYK lithography, halftones ### 3d, modern, black and white, spot color,
I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me, and I walk alone. 1940s golden age comics style screen print, cover art by CC Beck and Will Eisner, (thick lines:0.7), early CMYK lithography, halftones
Negative prompt
3d, modern, black and white, spot color,
Image details
  • Model: SDXL 1.0
  • Sampler: k_dpmpp_sde
  • Steps: 50
  • Guidance / cfg scale: 6
  • CLIP skip: 1
  • Seed: 3865400608
  • Height: 1280 px
  • Width: 832 px
  • Hi-res fix: false
  • Karras: true